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ㆍ발행기관 : 한국기업교육학회
ㆍ수록지정보 : 기업교육연구 / 3권 / 2호
ㆍ저자명 : 이명근
ㆍ저자명 : 이명근
I.서론II.태동기의 기업교육
III.기업교육이 모색기
IV.기업교육의 성장기
V.기업교육의 발전기
VI.결론 및 전망
한국어 초록
우리 나라 기업교육의 역사는 해방이후 무에서 시작하여 숨가쁘게 진행되어 온 일종의 '가변형 기업교육사'이다. 무에서 시작된 만큼 그 과정에서 주로 외국의 기업교육 조류에 의존하게 되었고, 이러한 의존성향은 우리의 기업교육이라는 하나의 탐구분야가 차분히 발전될 여지도 없게 만들었다. 여기에 간헐적으로 닥친 경제위기는 더더욱 그럴 수밖에 없게끔 작용하였다. 그럼에도 불구하고 우리의 기업교육은 문자그대로 전무상태에서 나름대로 태동, 모색, 성장, 발전에 이르는 발달지향의 진화의 역사를 이루어왔다. 이러한 무시할 수 없는 우리 기업교육의 역사성을 인식하고, 이제는 작금의 급변하는 새로운 천년에 부응하는 또 다른 모습의 기업교육을 구축하여 매진하고, 그럼으로써 한없이 비상해야 할 시기이다. 이 논문에서는 우리 기업교육의 역사를 크게 태동기(1946-1960년대), 모색기(1970년대), 성장기(1980년대), 발전기(1990년대) 등으로 구분하여 각 시기의 특징적인 기업교육 현상들을 중심으로 논의한다영어 초록
The history of corporate education and training in Korea appears to be very short since it started out from after the 1945 Liberation. Even thereafter, it had been also treated as a part of discussions on business administration for the time being. In the course of such a short time of corporate education and training mainly due to the short history of modern corporations running, however, it has continued to explore its own way and become now as fully-fledged as an adult in terms of human development.There have been sparse discussions in taking a historical view of corporate education and training in this country. However, they, if any, were largely the ones that were made in the late 1980s. A newer point of view is needed at this point of time since business environment around corporations has been completely changed with advent of totally different age after those times.
Looking back upon the last fifty years of the corporate education and training history of our country, it can be called as "a whimsical history" which tends to alter its course with changes of outer business environment. This might be said to be due to absence of principle and/or philosophy or this might be characterized as flexible and/or elastic. Taking into account that the ultimate goal of corporate education and training is directly related to the goal of business administration, this phenomenon has to be taken for granted. Also, the variable course of the corporate education and training in this country apparently complies with the tide of decades after the Liberation. For example, characteristic corporate educations and trainings were implemented in each decade of 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. The most important thing throughout the history of corporate education and training in Korea for the last fifty years, however, is that a kind of developmental stages of evolution can be observed. In other words, a growth-oriented development as in human development from inception to childhood to adult can be identified in the history. In this vein, this article classified four developmental stages of Inception(1946-1960s), Exploration(1970s), Growing(1980s) and Full-fledged(1990s) for the history and focused on characteristic corporate educations and trainings in each stage, concluding by having a prospect of Leaping Stage for the 21st century.