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ㆍ발행기관 : 한국구비문학회
ㆍ수록지정보 : 구비문학연구
ㆍ저자명 : 허용호
ㆍ저자명 : 허용호
1. 머리말2. 여성 축제로서의 ‘해산거리’
3. ‘해산거리’ 속의 여성
4. ‘해산거리’와 외적 현실
5. 맺음말
한국어 초록
1999년 9월 10일 고려대학교 대운동장에서는 이색적인 축제가 벌어졌다. ‘유혈낭자(流血娘子)’라는 신조어까지 만들어 내면서 ‘월경 페스티벌’이 벌어진 것이다. 초경을 맞은 초등학생에서부터 폐경기의 여성까지 누구나 참가할 수 있었던 이 자리는 그 동안 입에 담는 것조차 금기시 되었던 월경을 여성의 입과 몸짓을 통해 맘껏 드러낸 여성 축제의 장이었다.월경을 비롯하여 임신, 출산, 수유 등은 여성만이 가진 고유의 경험이다. 그런데 이러한 여성 고유의 경험은 흔히 부정적인 것으로 인식되었으며, 따라서 입에 담는 것조차 금기시 되어 온 것이 사실이다. 이러한 상황에서 월경의 문제를 공공연하게 드러냈다는 것은, 그 시도만으로도 주목할만한 일이다.
영어 초록
Most of korean folk dramas embody carnival world. Liberation of all sorts of the hardened order, institution, oppression is possible in the carnival world of korean folk dramas. However most of korean folk dramas are androcentrism. Female characters which are chracterize in the korean folk dramas are insignificant person or live a oppressive life. Although sometimes active and resistant female character may appears, the female character's fate is end in a tragedy.But Haesan Geori(해산거리) which is one Geori of the Donghaean Bealsin Gut(동해안 별신굿) Geori Gut(거리굿) has different feature. this paper is study on the Haesan Geori. The main content of Haesan Geori is childbirth which is female's own experience. The full course of childbirth is straightforwardly peformed in the Haesan Geori performance. Though it is performed by male performer, the world of female carnival which enjoy female's own experience is created by public exposing of childbirth, and positive participation, response of female spectator.
The female character's image demonstrate female carnival feature of Haesan Geori, too. Free and easy action of Haesan Mo(해산모: a woman delivered of a child) who is female character of Haesan Geori is good example. She not only reveals full course of childbirth, but also defies taboo of childbirth. Also she is superior to male, is not scapegoat of child death. These image of Haesan Mo can not find in other folk drama. The case that carnivalisque female character positively stands in the center of carnival is rare.
Like this, Haesan Geori creates the world of female carnival. The reason that the world of female carnival can be create is ritual safeguard which is called Bealsin Gut(별신굿). Because of the ritual safeguard, Bealsin Gut, the world of female carnival which is quiet different from androcentric world is possible. But this carnival world is not complete. Because of an inclination of preferring a son to a daughter exist in Haesan Geori. In the world of female carnival, an inclination of preferring a son is inconsistent. The fact that this inconsistency is possible is because the world of female carnival which Haesan Geori creates does not subvert order of androcentric society.
Though there is an inclination of preferring a son, significance of Haesan Geori is not disappear. Female carnival features of Haesan Geori, that is, expressing and enjoyment of female's own experience, carnivalisque female character Haesan Mo etc., among the korean folk dramas which most of them have male carnival feature, have unique value.