1. Introduction
2. Experiment
3. Applications
4. Result
5. References
1. Introduction
As humans depend on fossil fuels, the fuels are on the brink of being exhausted and lead to pollution, the changes in the global environment. In addition, recent the recent nuclear accident in Japan is increasing the demands for renewable energy which is safe and clean, economical and environment friendly. Renewable energy includes the wind energy, solar energy, tide energy, water splitting energy, photocalyst, etc. Among them, photocatalyst have been extensively studied. And TiO2 photocatalyst has been widely applied for the removal of toxic agents in air and water.
2. Experiment
The 2 dimentional MoS2 nanostructures has been synthesised using variety ways including physical vapor deposition, liquid exfoliation, chemical vapor deposition, scotch tape based micromechanical exfoliation. These ways are described below in detail. But these ways are unsuitable for a 3 dimentional structure like nanowires or nanofibers.
참고 자료
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