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The decisive moment in digital photography’ From Henri Cartier Bresson to Loratta Lux (디지털포토그라피와 아날로그포토그라피)

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Digital VS Analog photography

Henri Cartier Bresson 과 Loratta Lux의 작품을 케이스 스터디하여
디지털포토그라피와 아날로그 포토그라피에 대해서 논의해본다.
현대문명과 함꼐 발달된 디지털산업으로 어느선까지가 까지가 사진학의 범위안에 사진으로 인정이 되고 인정이 되지 않는것인지 스터디해본다.


1. Introduction
2. Analysis and compare both Analogue and digital photography
3. Discuss about analogue photography and do Case study on Henry Cartier Bresson and his work.
4. Discuss about digital photography Case study on Loretta Lux and her work
5. Conclusion
6. Bibliography


Nowadays, Digital technologies are gradually replacing the analogue technologies such as digital cameras replacing analogue cameras, digital television replacing analogue television and more. Throughout the 1980s and early1990s, artists, scientists, and photographers used high-end computer systems not available to the general public to create digital images. However, in 2003, when the sales of digital cameras in United States exceeded those films cameras, the digital photography become stands poised to replace its film-based predecessor and this represents more than just another stage in Photography’s evolution. Before Photography, the coexistence of separate domains was taken for granted. Paintings showed angels or demons interacting with humans, for examples, as a routine matter… and that’s one of the main reasons why they have been so significant in the history of the imagination. Photography seemed to be something quite different, at the beginning;

참고 자료

Walker, I (2002). City gorged with dreams: surrealism and documentary photography in interwar Paris, Manchester university
Oliver, V, An advanced guide to digital photography, Ava publishing SA
Sire, A (2006), An inner silence: The portraits of Henri Cartier-Bresson, London, Thames & Hudson
Grubb, N (2005), Loretta Lux, New York, Aperture foundation
Barthes, R (1980), Camera Lucida: Reflections on photography, trans. Richard Howard, London: Vintage 1993
Brenton, J (2003), The man, the image and the world, London, Thames & Hudson
Hartwig, Robert L (2000), Basic media technology: Digital and Analog, USA, Butterworth-Heinemann
Clarke, G (1997), The photograph, Oxford history of art
Huggins, B & Probert, I (2004), Surreal Digital Photography, England, Ilex press limited
Lipkin, J (2005), Photography reborn: Image making in the digital era, New York, Abrams Studio
Freeman, M (2001), Digital Photography, London, Thames & Hudson
Hawarth, S (2005), Singular images: Essays on remarkable Photographs, London, Tate trustees
Sire, A (2006), Scrapbook: photographs, 1932-1946, London, Thames & Hudson
Reuel, G (2008) Masters of photography: a complete guide to the greatest artists of the photographic age, London, Carlton Books Ltd
Leonard, Z (2007), Analogue, USA, Mit Press Ltd
Varis, L (2001), Digital photography for graphic designers: from photo shoot to image output, USA, Rockport
Francine Prose http://www.aperture.org/store/books-detail.aspx?id=438
Digital VS Analog photography http://www.batchphoto.com/articles/digital-photography.html
Susan Stamberg, The Photography of Henri Cartier-Bresson : Master of the Viewfinder Had Perfect Historical Timing http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=1318621
Figure1, Paris, 1992 http://www.skjstudio.com/franck/images/Bresson.jpg
Figure 2, The decisive moment http://paulturounetblog.files.wordpress.com/2007/08/henri-cartier-bresson04.jpg
Figure 3, The hush, 1999 http://ringthebell.blogspot.com/2005_10_01_archive.html
Figure 4, Isabella 2001 http://www.bigredandshiny.com/issues/issue06/pix/article/(hide)SLOAT_LORETTA_LUX_3171429_01.jpg
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The decisive moment in digital photography’ From Henri Cartier Bresson to Loratta Lux (디지털포토그라피와 아날로그포토그라피)
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