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Y대 취업용 영어자기소개서 샘플입니다본문내용
취업용 영어자기소개서 샘플입니다.1 .Self-introduction
My favorite motto is; I`m a slow walker, but I never walk backwards by Abraham Lincoln. When I was young, I lived in rural hamlet with my grandmother. My grandmother couldn`t take care of me because she was busy for work. So I cleaned the house and cooked the dinner after school. That time, I realized that there was nobody to help me so I do everything by myself. Due to the mind, I developed my independence. Doing by myself, it took much time but I could learn many things from all process. Starting is difficult and takes much time but I learn more.
2. Merits
I was told that I was a man of planning quality. I plan carefully. My diary was dated up. I did step by step all of work. So I could make the best use of my time. I can use much time to self-improvement. I read book in separate time and read newspaper for 1 hour everyday. Even if big homework, I perform the work assigned to me and go through with it. And I have positive mind. I liked the words `Carpe Diem`. When I took Principal of Account, I had hard time because of my short ability in math. But I thought that it will be good for me later. And I could study pleasantly. Finally I got A+. I climb mountain on Sunday, two others week with my father. First time he told me to climb, I hated his suggestion. I grumbled for climbing but I tried to enjoy climb. So I spent happy time with my father. And thanks to my father, I was healthy and really enjoyed climbing.
3. Weak points
I have a poor patience. Sometimes, my performance was poor. Especially last step of work, I lack seriousness. So I tried to yoga and climbing for overcoming.
4. Applying motivation
Finance service treat human. It need whole heart. I think that the power of human is important. The part which I want to work is Human resource depart. I want to work in HR depart with HRM and Organizational behavior which were studied in University. It is important that one genius feed tens of thousands people but tens of thousands people work together and seek a way of living together is more important.
Hello. Let me introduce myself.
My name is OOO. Right now I`m a senior in Dan-Kook University,
I major in business administration and economics together.
I have four family members : father, mother, one older sister and me. My father works for a company, my mother is a housewife and my sister goes to a company now. We love each other so much so I love living with my family.
Under the family motto, “Do your best for even a trivial thing,” I have learned to accept everything optimistically and take care of others rather than myself. My favorite motto is "Think affirmatively always.". I make desperate efforts to think positively with seeing everything to itself always.
My personality is active and optimistic. I`ve loved to hang out with my friends more than others since I was very young, and I can easily get close to other people because I have a good sociable and warm heart that attract people around me.
My merit is that I always try to do my best for any work that is given to me. Even though I`m not the most outstanding person compare to others who got such a great talent and ability, I think my sincerity will make me shine out, and sincerity is the most important thing which can be recognized by anyone in any case. On the other hand my demerit is distracted. Sometimes I can`t concentrate on my work.
I don`t have a special hobby but I like to make cooking.
I hope to work at a kindergarten teacher. I`m particularly interested in the play therapy of young children. It is necessary to have understanding and a kind person.
I`m not the best in everything but, I will work hard with attitude of striving and learning in every matter.
Even though I am not enough to realize my dream yet, but they say, "Where there is a will, there is a way." I can make my dream come true, if I go with my will that I can do it.
Now, I think that my capability lack in every respect. After I improve my ability, I would like to teach the special lessons.
If there is the most valuable jewelry which no one tries to find, it becomes just useless stone. I dare to speak that I am the one of those undiscovered jewelry, and promise you that I will do my best to be discovered, in order to be the shining stone, a twinkling jewelry.
I`ll finish my introduction here. Thank you for listening to my introduction.
안녕하세요. 지금부터 제 소개를 해보겠습니다.
저의 이름은 OOO 입니다. 지금 현재 단국대학교 4학년에 재학 중이며,
경영학과 경제학을 복수 전공하고 있습니다.
저희 가족은 아빠, 엄마, 언니 그리고 저 입니다. 아빠는 회사에서 일을 하시고 엄마는 집안일을 도맡고 계시고, 그리고 언니는 회사에 다닙니다.
가족간에 사랑이 넘치고, 서로 위하기 때문에 저는 하루하루가 즐겁습니다.
`작은 일에도 최선을 다하자` 라는 가훈아래 모든 일을 긍정적으로 받아들이고 나보다는 남을 배려하는 마음을 배우며 성장했습니다.
저의 좌우명을 소개하자면 항상 긍적적으로 생각하자 입니다. 아무리 힘들고 짜증이 나도 그 상황 자체를 긍정적으로 생각하려고 노력합니다.
제 성격은 활동적이고 낙천적입니다.
어려서 부터 다른사람들 보다 친구들과 어울리는 것을 좋아했고 사교성과 정도 많아서 금방 사람들과 친하게 지낼수 있게 되었습니다.
저의 장점은 무슨일 이건 최선을 다할려고 노력한다는 점입니다.
저는 사람이 재능이나 능력 면에서 다른 사람보다 뛰어나지 못할지라도 성실함만은 어떠한 관점에서도 인정받을 수 있다고 생각합니다.
다른 한편으로 저의 단점은 주의력 부족입니다. 때때로 저는 제 일에 집중을 할 수가 없습니다.
저는 특별한 취미 같은건 없지만 요리만들기같은 이것저것 만드는것을 좋아합니다
저의 장래희망은 유치원 선생님입니다. 저는 특히 어린아이들의 놀이치료에 흥미를 가지고 있습니다. 이것은 이해와 친절한 사람을 필요로 한다.
나는 모든 면에서 최고는 아니지만 그러나 모든 문제에서 노력하는 것과 학습의 태도로 열심히 일할 것이다.
지금은 꿈을 이루기에는 약간 부족하지만, 옛말에 뜻이 있는곳에 길이있다고 하였습니다. 저는 이 말 처럼 할 수 있다는 의지를 가지고 나아간다면 언젠간 꿈을 이룰 수 있을거라 믿습니다.
지금은 너무나 많이 부족하지만 더 많이 배우고 계발해 나가면서 나중에는 저만의 개성 있는 수업을 해보고 싶은 게 제 꿈입니다.
아무리 값진 보석이라도 찾는 이가 없다면 그 보석은 그냥 돌덩이에 불구 합니다.
전 감히 저를 그런 보석에 비교 합니다.
누가 봐도 반짝이는 보석이 될 수 있도록 제 자신을 위해 노력하겠습니다.
저의 소개를 여기서 마치겠습니다. 감사합니다.