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연세대학교 HASS 합격 자소서

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"연세대학교 HASS 합격 자소서"관련 내용입니다.


1.Essay Question 1 (600 words or less) Essay Options: Select from one of the following. 1. Describe a personal, non-academic experience or achievement in which you had to make a difficult decision, and relate the ways in which this experience changed you as a person. 2. Provide an example of a leadership situation where you were able to display the characteristics of humility and cooperation when achieving your goals. What were the challenges that you faced through the exercise of your leadership, and how did you overcome them? 3. Choose a real person other than a close relative - a teacher, classmate, friend, etc. - with whom you have had a direct relationship. Alternatively, describe a character that is either fictional or historical. Describe in detail how that person or character changed the way you look at the world around you or at life in general. 4. One of UIC’s greatest strengths is its immense diversity. Describe how your own personal background would add to UIC’s diversity and why your personal traits would stand out even in such a highly multi-lingual and multi-cultural institution. 5. Topic of your choice.
2.Essay Question 2 (300 words or less) Underwood International College (UIC) is an all-English liberal arts college within a major Korean university. What makes you a suitable fit for UIC and what have you done to prepare for a rigorous liberal arts education? How do you plan to achieve your future goals at UIC and beyond?

자기소개서 항목

가치관/인생관, 실패/극복경험, 대인관계/단체생활
Essay Question 1 (600 words or less) Essay Options: Select from one of the following. 1. Describe a personal, non-academic experience or achievement in which you had to make a difficult decision, and relate the ways in which this experience changed you as a person. 2. Provide an example of a leadership situation where you were able to display the characteristics of humility and cooperation when achieving your goals. What were the challenges that you faced through the exercise of your leadership, and how did you overcome them? 3. Choose a real person other than a close relative - a teacher, classmate, friend, etc. - with whom you have had a direct relationship. Alternatively, describe a character that is either fictional or historical. Describe in detail how that person or character changed the way you look at the world around you or at life in general. 4. One of UIC’s greatest strengths is its immense diversity. Describe how your own personal background would add to UIC’s diversity and why your personal traits would stand out even in such a highly multi-lingual and multi-cultural institution. 5. Topic of your choice. “Is that all? What’s the problem with you? Say something. You must have something to say.”Absence of communication, nonfulfillment of a task and tard...…<중 략>
답변 글자 수: 3,650자 (공백 포함)

전공/관심학문, 졸업 후 계획/포부, 준비과정
Essay Question 2 (300 words or less) Underwood International College (UIC) is an all-English liberal arts college within a major Korean university. What makes you a suitable fit for UIC and what have you done to prepare for a rigorous liberal arts education? How do you plan to achieve your future goals at UIC and beyond? 답변 글자 수: 1,747자 (공백 포함)

기타 목차



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