iBT TOEFL Speaking Independent Questions & Sample Answers
- 최초 등록일
- 2022.08.23
- 최종 저작일
- 2021.01
- 47페이지/ 어도비 PDF
- 가격 5,000원
iBT TOEFL 스피킹 독립형 문제 집중 공략을 위한 샘플 질문과 답변 목록입니다.
모든 내용은 직접 토플 시험을 준비하면서 공부한 내용을 바탕으로 작성하였습니다.
1. 이 책을 활용하는 법
2. Open-ended
2-1 Education
2-2 Leisure
2-3 Value
2-4 Work
3. Preference
3-1 Education
3-2 Leisure
3-3 Value
3-4 Work
4. 질문리스트
What skills do you think students should have?
First, it is a social skill which is also called soft power or soft skill. No matter how smart students are, if they can’t cooperate in a group, the group’s outcome won’t be successful. For example, the smartest student in my class happened to join my team for a group assignment. However, he was very rude, and he insisted too much on his idea without listening to others. As a result, my team failed to reach an agreement and got a terrible grade.
Second, it is a computer skill. Since I’m a computer-savvy student, I can always get ahead of others because computers are almost everywhere. For example, last time, I prepared a perfect presentation using PowerPoint in my history class and everyone was surprised at my fancy slides. Even the teacher complimented me about it, and I got the best grade at the presentation.
In what way your school can be improved?
My school will be improved if they teach English to the student.
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