Longman Academic Reading Series 5 2nd Edition Chapter 09 Reading 03 Should Mary Buy Her Bonus
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- 2022.04.16
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- 2022.04
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"Longman Academic Reading Series 5 2nd Edition Chapter 09 Reading 03 Should Mary Buy Her Bonus"에 대한 내용입니다.
Mary Kantarian was achingly close to making her million-dollar sales goal — only $1,000 short.
Mary Kantarian은 그녀의 백만 달러 판매 목표를 달성하는데 거의 가까워졌고 단 1,000달러가 부족했다.
If she made the goal by the end of the year, it would mean a fat $60,000 bonus check, and a happy trip to the bank to finance a dream home she’d recently found.
만약 그녀가 연말까지 목표를 달성한다면, 그것은 두툼한 6만 달러의 보너스 봉투와 그녀가 최근에 발견한 꿈의 집을 살 융자를 받기 위한 은행으 로의 행복한 여행을 의미한다.
Other sales reps also were close, and one had already made the bonus.
다른 영업 담당자들도 또한 목표치에 가까웠고, 그 중 한 명은 이미 보너스를 받았다.
The books would close in just a few days, but at the end of the year her clients weren’t in a buying mood.
회계 장부는 단 며칠 안에 마감을 하게 될 것이지만, 연말에 그녀의 고객들은 물건을 사고 싶은 마음이 아니었다.
Still, Mary had one hope: inner-city Lincoln High School.
그러나, Mary 는 한가지 희망이 있었다: 바로 시내의 링컨 고등학교였다.
Its students, who often had to share textbooks, could really use her company’s multimedia educational aids, but Lincoln had no discretionary budget for new teaching materials.
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