2020 EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본 [ 5강 ] ( 빈칸 + 순서 + 답지 ) 내신 1등급 문제
- 최초 등록일
- 2020.09.18
- 최종 저작일
- 2020.09
- 15페이지/ 한컴오피스
- 가격 1,500원
1. 수년간의 여러학교의 영어 기출을 분석해서, 제가 직접 하나로 모은 빈칸+서술형 프린트 입니다. 적중률이 매우 높습니다. 2~3번 이상 완벽히 풀어낼 수 있다면 고득점은 문제 없습니다!^^
2. 파일 구성은 ( 빈칸, 서술형 문제 --> 순서배열 문제 --> 답지(원본) 순으로 구성되어 있습니다
3. ★표시가 되어 있는부분은 시험에 자주 나왔던 부분입니다. 꼭 암기하세요 !
1. 빈칸, 서술형 문제
2. 순서배열 문제
3. 답지(원본)
Six-month-old Angela is [ sitting / sat ] in her high chair [ for / during ] lunch and [ see / sees / is seen ] her bottle on the table.
She is pretty [ tiring / tired ]—it’s [ being / been ] a tough day!—and she wants her bottle.
She looks at [ it / them ] as her mother, Sophie, ★[ feeds / feeding ] her and [ get / getting / gets / is gotten ] [ more and more / less and less ] [ frustrating / frustrated ].
Eventually, she turns away [ to / from ] her mother’s spoonfuls, [ arch / arches / arching ] her back, [ turn around / turns around / turning around ] in her high chair, and [ vocalize / vocalizes / vocalizing ] as if she is about to [ cry / crying ].(마치 그녀가 막 울려는 참인 것처럼 )
Sophie is clueless (아무것도 모르는) about ★[ what / which / that ] Angela wants.
When Sophie ★[ happens / is happened ] [ looking at / to look at ] the table for [ another / other ] reason, she notices the bottle on it.
“That’s [ what / which / that ] you want,” she says, and [ give / giving / gives ] Angela her bottle.
[ Success / Failure ] at last!
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