PR 전략론 시험공부(2,3통합기말)
- 최초 등록일
- 2014.05.29
- 최종 저작일
- 2011.12
- 24페이지/ MS 워드
- 가격 3,400원
12. Corporate Social Responsible _ CSR
13. The Internet and Social Media
14. Preparing Materials for Mass Media – Media Relations
17. Corporations _ MPR
19. Politics and Government
20. Global Public Relations
21. Nonprofit, Health, and Education
교재에서 많이 안 나오고 영상(YTN사태 계기제공 엠바고 영상)/강의 위주의 공부! (14-15)
The News Release: 보도자료: Publicity를 위한 tool
언론관계는 그 관계를 규정하는 요소들이 쉽게 분리되거나 구분되지 않기 때문에 이를 분석하는 것은 매우 어렵다.
PR은 다양한 요소는 물론 그 요소들간 상호 관련성을 모두 포함하는 복잡한 커뮤니케이션의 과정이다.
The news release continues to be the most commonly used public relations tactic, although the advent of the Internet and social media has changed its basic purpose and format.
Planning a News Release
Before writing any news release, several questions should be answered to give the release direction and purpose. A planning worksheet should be used to answer the following questions:
What is the key message? This should be expressed in one sentence.
Who is the primary audience for the release? Is it journalists in traditional media, bloggers, or consumers looking for information via a search engine?
What does the target audience gain from the product or service? What are the potential benefits and rewards?
What objective does the release serve? Is it to increase product sales, enhance the organization’s reputation, or increase attendance at an event?
Is a news release the best format for the information?
The Basic Online News Release
Use single spacing 한 줄씩 띄어서 쓰기
Keep the news release to 200 words or less.
Use the inverted pyramid approach, in which the most important information is first, followed by less important details. 역 피라미드형
The top line should give the name of the organization and perhaps its logo.
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