TEPS - TEPS 수준의 고급 생활영어 표현을 정리한 자료입니다. 각 문장 속의 중요 표현들의 영영뜻을 수록했으며 기타 관련 숙어들도 영영뜻과 함께 정리했습니다.
1. TEPS 생황영어 표현 Unit 01 ~ Unit 60 : 1페이지 ~ 120페이지
2. 부록 - 상황별 기본 생활영어 표현 : 121페이지 ~ 150페이지
I feel the same way.
I`ll keep my fingers crossed for you.
¤ cross one`s fingers
⇒ to hope that something will happen the way one want
Don`t bother. I can manage myself.
¤ bother : to make someone feel slightly worried, upset, or concerned
That`s easier said than done.
I can`t stop thinking about the trip.
Have you ever lived abroad?
What are you up to?
Hey, give me a break.
What is good about being a teenager?
What are neighbors for?
저도 같은 생각입니다.
행운을 빌어요. 잘 되길 바래요.
괜찮아. 나 혼자 할 수 있어.
그게 어디 말처럼 쉬워야지.
여행 생각만 계속 나.
해외에 살아본 경험이 있나요?
뭘 하고 있니? 어떻게 지내요?
좀 봐주세요.
십대라서 좋은 점이 뭔가요?
이웃 좋다는 게 뭐겠어요?
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¤ You can say that again. = I`m with you. = You said it. [네 말에 동의한다.]
¤ not lift/raise a finger : to not make any effort to help someone with their work
I do all the work around the house - Frank never lifts a finger.
¤ can`t stop -ing : ~하는 것을 멈출 수 없다
I cannot stop doing something that I have not done.
¤ somebody cannot but do something
: used to say that someone has to do something or cannot stop themselves from
doing it
I could not but admire her.
¤ be up to somebody : used to say that someone can decide about something
It`s up to you whether we go.
¤ what ~ for?
a) used to ask why someone does something
What did you do that for?
b) used to ask what purpose or use something has
What`s this gadget for?
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