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저항론 과제

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1. Theory (procedures)
2. Result value
3. Conclusion
4. Reference


Theory (procedures)
Q) From the given data, compare total resistance (R) and effective horse power (EHP) of full-scale ship using Froude method, ITTC 1957 for 2D method and Hughes, ITTC 1978 for 3D method. The temperature of sea water is 15°C.

(1) Froude Method
1.The model ship with the accumulation ratio � is towed to satisfy Expression .
2. If towed, obtain the measured total resistance
3. The value of the frictional resistance of the model ship is calculated assuming that the length of the model ship is the same and the surface area of the flooding surface is the same as the frictional resistance of the plate.
4. The residuary resistance of the model ship is
5. obtained using the law of comparison of residuary resistance of ship (�� �� density ratio of ship and model ship)
6. is obtained by a flat plate having the same length as the ship and the surface area of flooding.
7. Calculate as The price of A from here is
[p is density of water, g is gravity acceleration, S is flooding surface area, V is ship speed, c is resistance factor (0.1392+ (0.258/2.68+L)]

참고 자료

저항론 강의노트, 백광준, 인하대학교
선박계산, 대한조선학회, 텍스트북스
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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