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Speech Draft on Legalizing Protiution - 매춘 합법화 영어 말하기

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매춘합법화에 대한 영어 말하기 원고입니다.




Good morning. My name is Moon Heeseock and I’m in English Education Department. What I will explain is about the reasons why we should legalize prostitution. This presentation will take about 10 minutes.
There has always been prostitution in human history. Because of its extra-ordinary nature, it is usually conducted shadily and some problems are caused by it. These days, legalizing prostitution is emerged as a solution to the problem. Legalizing means that the government can control and manage the prostitute by laws. Some of you might think it is strange or crazy act and it cannot make anything better. But, does anyone have practical answer to make prostitution completely and permanently? I think Decriminalizing is the only way to settle this catch-22. I divided my talk into 3 parts; first, the human rights to the prostitute, then, preventing sexually based crimes, and finally reducing sexually based diseases.
On top of the problem, legalization can extend human rights to the nightwalker. As Dave, the founder of sexwork.com said, prostitutes are treated as second class citizens, and in extreme cases, as less than humanWhy is prostitution so different? Is it different? Everyone has rights, regardless of what they do for a living. Prohibiting sex work only pressures the worker into a crime environment where their rights are not preserved. We should protect them as a normal citizen by means of laws.

참고 자료

Armentano, Paul. The Case for Legalized Prostitution. Freedom Daily. 1993.
Carr, S.V. The health of women working in the sex industry: Amoral and ethical perspective. Sexual and Marital Therapy, 10. 1995.
Dave. What countries have legal prostitution? Decriminalize Prostitution Now Coalition. 2006. 27 Nov 2007. < http://www.sexwork.com/coalition/whatcountieslegal.htm >
Liberator, Mark. Legalized Prostitution: Regulating the Oldest Profession. 2005.
Pheterson, G (ed). A vindication of the Rights of Whores. Seattle: Seal Press. 1989.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Speech Draft on Legalizing Protiution - 매춘 합법화 영어 말하기
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