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호주 경제와 세계환경을 위해서 호주는 우라늄 수출과 채굴을 증가해야 한다.

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기




Trade is main industry for the economic growth of nation. International trade is also an important part of Australia’s economy as it enables the nation to earn money from exports (Nellis 1990, 24). There are various kinds of goods for export, but nature source has been significant merits, because of the limitation of producing district. The most value of nature source may be Uranium. Today, the construction of nuclear power station tends to be recommended and built in the world. It is affected that nuclear power does not cause pollution, and its running cost is cheaper than conventional power, so it can be predicted that the expense of uranium increases. Thus development of mining uranium is prepared in Australia which is one of countries which abundant uranium deposits. Therefore the purpose of this essay is to analyse that the mining and export of uranium in Australia affects Australian economy, society and environment both of the world and Australia. The essay will show that exporting and mining uranium has clear advantage and should be increased. The emphasis will be placed on three aspects; economy, environment and society.

참고 자료

AHAMMAND, J. AND CLEMENTS, B., 1999. National Resources & Minister for overseas Trade. Uranium Australia’s Decision. Melbourne: Ordance Survey, (3), 1.

BELL, R. et al., 1997. Uranium mining and Milling in Australia. The Parliament of the commonwealth of Australia. 15. May, p.95, 134.

ENCARTA, 1993. Global Worming: the nature and environment. [CD-ROM]. Microsoft.

GIBSON, G., 1985. International relations. The Australian economy. 2nd edition. London: Pitman, 30

MAXWELL. P., 1999. The importance of mining service to the Western Australia Economy. Thesis (PhD). Curtin University of Technology.

McClISH, B., 1950. Mining and Minerals in Australia. Macmillan Hichlights. Hong Kong: Longman, 24, 27.

NELLIS, O., 1990. Trade and the Australia economy. A division of reed education Australia. Melbourne: Heinemann, 7, 24.

SOLOMON, J., 1997 Health aspects of uranium development. Uranium Australia’s Decision. Melbourne: Ordance Survey, (3), 1.

VINER, I., 1991. Mining and environment. The Environment and Sustainable Development. London: Longman, 22.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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