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[인문]인간복제의 부정적효과(영문레포트)

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2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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안녕하세요.... 영문레포트입니다... 제목은,, 인간복제의 부정적 효과 이구요...
영작해서,,, 작성해봤는데... 완전 정확하지는 않을것이예요.. ^^
나름대로,, 인간복제의 부정적 측면을,,, 영작해봤는데... 참고하시구요....

열공하세요..^^ 수거,,




-영문 리포트-

The negative Effects of Human Cloning
-인간복제의 부정적 효과-

As 21st century began, scientists were increasingly interested in cloning. As a result, they successfully cloned a living creature for the first time in 1998. It was the cloned sheep, Dolly.

After that, the cloning of the living creature was developed radically. However, development of biotechnology can be bad influences. These bad influences can not only affect human but nature. One of the most dangerous problems is the human cloning. If the men attempt to come true it by force, there is no doubt that there would be several problems. Consider various kinds of problems. If, someday, it is possible to clone human, what would happen us?

At first, the biggest problem that can bring back us may be to lose our basic human dignity. Every human has character, appearance, thought of his own. If the human dignity is broken and absolutely identical human are provided endlessly, it may disappear. Nothing is as valuable as life in our life. But, if human are cloned continuously, the most precious value of human will die away.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[인문]인간복제의 부정적효과(영문레포트)
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