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[영문] 인간만이 농사를 짓는 게 아니다 - 거대한 버섯농장을 운영하는 남미의 개미들 Ants of South America_ Challenging Human Agricultural Dominance

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


"인간만이 농사를 짓는 게 아니다 - 거대한 버섯농장을 운영하는 남미의 개미들 Ants of South America_ Challenging Human Agricultural Dominance"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction
2. Theoretical basis of mushroom farm operation through ants
3. A Case Study of Giant Mushroom Farms in South America
4. Comparison of human and ant farming and analysis of interaction
5. Conclusion



Humans have long been known to be the only organisms capable of farming, but recent studies are challenging this traditional view. The discovery, especially in South America, is a unique example of turning our understanding upside down. The main players involved in running the huge mushroom farm are not humans, but ants.

This study explores how ants found in South America operate mushroom farms. Through this, we will change our view of the monopoly of human farming activities, and will pay attention to the amazing farming skills and organizational skills of ants.

In the introduction, the background and purpose of the research will be presented to emphasize the interest and importance of ant mushroom farm operations in South America. In addition, the scope and methodology of this study will be briefly introduced.

Human farming has been considered a central element of our civilization. We have survived and prospered by plowing the land, planting seeds, harvesting crops and producing food.

참고 자료

Seongsu Kim, "Are ants farming?", 『Animal Intelligence』, 2008.
Jeongseop Kim, "Ant Farming", 『Animals and Ecology』, 2010.
Jungmin Lee, "Ant Farming", 『Earth's Eyes』, 2012.
Jaecheon Choi, "Ant Farming", 『Ant』, 2014.
Han Sang-hoon, "Ant Farming", 『The World of Ants』, 2016.
판매자 유형Gold개인인증
논문, 공학/기술, 프로그램소스
판매자 정보
  • 비공개


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탑툰 이벤트
[영문] 인간만이 농사를 짓는 게 아니다 - 거대한 버섯농장을 운영하는 남미의 개미들 Ants of South America_ Challenging Human Agricultural Dominance
  • 레이어 팝업
  • 레이어 팝업
  • 레이어 팝업
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2024년 06월 10일 월요일
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