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Fish 정리

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최종 저작일
28페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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미국 USDA에서 지정한 농/수산법에 의거하여 제작하였고,
영문으로 물고기 종류와 특징의 설명을 적어낸 리포트이다.


1. Organization
1) N.M.F.S - N​ational M​arine F​isheries S​ervices → The regulatory agency
2) U.S.D.C​ - U​nited S​tates D​epartment of C​ommerce → Ensure fair trade and selling
3) N.O.A.A - N​ational O​ceanic ​and A​tmospheric A​dministration ​→ Weather reporting

2. American and Fish
1) America’s favorite Seafood : ​Shrimp, Canned Tuna, Salmon
2) Americans are eating seafood in restaurants and at home -. 67% of seafood​ sold in the U.S. is consumed in restaurants.

3. Generalized Anatomy of a Fish
1) Although a few species can breathe atmospheric air, but most fish breathe ​by means of gills​.
2) The swim (or gas) bladder​ allows fish to maintain a constant buoyancy​ regardless of the changing water pressure at varying depths.

4. Handling of Fish
1) Myotomes
2) ​Myocommata/ Myosepta

5. Purchasing Market Forms
1) In The Round​ - as is comes from water
2) Drawn​ - Gutted; Viscera removed
3) Dressed ​: Viscera, Scales, Fins removed
4) Pan-Dressed​ : Smaller fish designed to be cooked on the bone. Head and tail optional.
5) Filet​ : Boneless side of fish; skin optional
6) Portion Cut​- (I.E. Tranche, Steaks etc.)

6. Receiving (Freshness Checks) Fish
1) Proper Temperatures:(Deep Chill) ​ -. Fin fish / Caviar : 28-32 degree F -. Smoked fish : 32 degree F
-. Live mollusks : 35-40 degree F -. Live crustaceans : 39-45 degree F
2) General Appearance​ : No visible cuts and bruises​, pliable fins; clear slime ​ 3) Scales​ : They are not loose and adhere to body
4) Flesh​ : respond to soft pressure
5) Clear bulging eyes
6) Gills​ : Maroon​, red, sweet smelling
7) Overall smell​ : Sweet smelling​ and non-offensive
8) Absence of belly burn ​: secretion of bile and gastric juices into abdominal cavity

7. Frozen Method
1) Tray pack
2) I.Q.F : I​ndividually Q​uick F​rozen


1. Organization
1) N.M.F.S - N​ational M​arine F​isheries S​ervices → The regulatory agency
2) U.S.D.C​ - U​nited S​tates D​epartment of C​ommerce → Ensure fair trade and selling
3) N.O.A.A - N​ational O​ceanic ​and A​tmospheric A​dministration ​→ Weather reporting
2. American and Fish
1) America’s favorite Seafood : ​Shrimp, Canned Tuna, Salmon
2) Americans are eating seafood in restaurants and at home
-. 67% of seafood​ sold in the U.S. is consumed in restaurants.
3. Generalized Anatomy of a Fish
1) Although a few species can breathe atmospheric air, but most fish breathe ​by means of gills​.
2) The swim (or gas) bladder​ allows fish to maintain a constant buoyancy​ regardless of the changing water
pressure at varying depths.
4. Handling of Fish
1) Myotomes
-. Muscle fibers​ in fish​, shorter than meat, which are also more tender.
-. Muscle block called myotomes are separated by connective tissue called myosepta or myocommata.
2) ​Myocommata/ Myosepta
​-. Connective tissue​ between muscle fibers​ which are thinner, stronger and more flexible while the fish is still
-. Cooking breaks down the myocommata/ myosepta, making it very fragile

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증
The Culinary Institute of America'18
Culinary Arts 전공
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