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[Distillation Column] 결과레포트/성균관대학교

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Distillation Column 실험에 대한 결과레포트입니다.


1. Title
2. Objective
3. Result
4. Discussion
5. Factors of error
6. Summary
7. Reference


1. Title
Distillation Column

2. Objective
(1) Understanding the principle of distillation
(2) Estimating the theoretical number of stages and efficiency using McCabe-Thiele method
(3) Finding the optimal reflux ratio

3. Result
The measured weight is on the below table.

4. Discussion
A. How to make feed (10L of 50mol% MeOH) and reboiler (4.745L of 10mol% MeOH)
B. Relation between specific gravity(density) of methanol and mass fraction

5. Factors of error
By using the McCabe-Thiele method, we get the number of theoretical plate 7. But the number of actual plate is 8. There exists difference between two values. There are the reasons for the difference and errors that may have happened during this experiment.
A. Impurities inside the pycnometer
Although we cleaned the liquid and pycnometer before the experiment, but there may be impurities inside the pycnometer.

참고 자료

“Chemical Engineering Laboratory 2”, Sungkyunkwan University School of Chemical Engineering, 2021, p36~42
Unit Operations in Chemical Engineering 5th edition, Warren McCabe, Julian Smith, Peter Harriott, 1993, p521~545
Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, Dennis C. Prieve, 2000
Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers 3rd Edition, James O.Wilkes, 2020, p26~28
판매자 유형Silver개인인증


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[Distillation Column] 결과레포트/성균관대학교
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