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대한항공 내부 분석, SWOT(장점, 강점)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Key Internal Forces
1) Strenghts
2) Weakness

2. Financial Ratio Analysis

3. International Factor Evaluation Matrix

4. References


A. Key Internal Forces
Internal forces are factors that companies can control by themselves and they includes finanacial, employee program, marketing, product development, and partnerships. By analysising their interal forces, they can make new strategies for their company and control them. These days, Korean Airlines tried to build relationships with other airlines, at the same time, many things happened and lost their image.

1. Launch of Joint Venture with Delta Airlines
Korean Air began implementing joint ventures with Delta on its Pacific route on May 1, 2018. (Russell, 2018) Joint Venture is a way for two airlines to jointly operate and share revenues and expenses as one company on a particular line. This is the highest level of cooperation among airlines that provide more than code sharing agreement which shares some of the seats, check-in counters and miles, etc.

참고 자료

Russell, E. (2018, April 25). Delta and Korean Air to launch partnership on 1 May. Retrieved from https://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/delta-and-korean-air-to-launch-partnership-on-1-may-447982/
Essays, UK. (November 2013). Strategic Analysis of Korean Airline. Retrieved from https://www.ukessays.com/essays/management/business-strategic-analysis-of-korean-airline-management-essay.php?vref=1
Mergent Onlin. (2018). Retrieved , 2018, from
Hanna, Lee et al. Korean Airlines signed new generation cargo system. (2018, February 26). Retrieved from https://news.v.daum.net/v/20180226040305581
Schofield, A. (2018, February 08). Korean Air returns to profit in 2017 on currency exchange rate gains. Retrieved from http://atwonline.com/airline-financials/korean-air-returns-profit-2017-currency-exchange-rate-gains
Lee, J. (Ed.). (2018, October 10). Analysis of Korean Airlines. Retrieved from http://www.jobkorea.co.kr/net/starter/companyreport/view?Inside_No=11188
Han, W. (2018, April 18). Hanjin Group lost 320 billion won after Cho Hyun-min incident. Retrieved from http://news.donga.com/3/all/20180418/89680407/1
Kim, M. (2016, March 18). The bottom of Korean Airlines. Retrieved from http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/economy/economy_general/735745.html
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