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삼성 비관련 다각화( The influence of Samsung's Unrelated Diversification Plan on its Growth )

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


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주제는 "삼성의 비관련 다각화가 성장에 미친 영향"입니다.
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( 무역회사에서 IT사업으로의 전환 / IT 에서 자동차사업으로의 팽창 )
기존에 삼성의 비관련 다각화에
대한 자료가 많이 없었기에
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본 페이퍼의 장점은 상당히
독창적으로 접근하였다는 점입니다.
( 관련다각화에 비해 비관련다각화에 대한
연구를 거의 찾을 수 없었기에 분석을 위한
노력을 많이 했습니다! )
또한 섹션별로 MBA 출신의
유능한 교수님께서
큰 도움이 되기를 바랍니다.


1.Purpose of the Research
2.Research Questions

II.Samsung’s Unrelated Diversification Strategy
1.Theoretical Background on Diversification
2.The Context and the Outcome of Two Critical Transitions: from Trading to IT versus IT to Motor Industry
3.Success or failure factors of Two Transitions

1.Summary: Conditions required for an unrelated diversification strategy
2.Recommendations for the future diversification strategy of SamSung


1.Purpose of the Research
Currently, Samsung is best known for its smartphones, tablets and televisions. However, when Samsung founded in Taegu, Korea in 1938 initially it started as a trade company that handled textiles or produce. Pointing out the merits of diversification, Jang Ha Joon, who is a well known economist said,“If giant corporations are only supposed to work in their core businesses, then Samsung should still be producing textiles and sugar .”
While Samsung’s related diversification initiative has been studied a lot, Samsung’s unrelated diversification has been hardly analyzed even though its unrelated strategy has significantly contributed to Samsung’s success. Accordingly, it would be meaningful to study Samsung’s unrelated diversification cases in order to anticipate and prepare for its future growth plans. Two contrastive cases that each represents successful transition or unsuccessful change will be discussed in this paper.

참고 자료

http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/english edition/e_business/552592.html
Understanding Samsung's Diversification Strategy: The Case of Samsung Motors Inc.
Woonghee Lee
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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삼성 비관련 다각화( The influence of Samsung's Unrelated Diversification Plan on its Growth )
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