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[영문 에세이] Overview of Value of Art and its Contemporary Issues

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최종 저작일
8페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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플라톤의 미학에 기반하여 보편적, 상대적인 미적가치와 문화 가운데 예술의 가치에 대해 쓴 에세이입니다. 교양으로 들었던 미학 개론 수업용 영문 에세이이고 성적은 91점 받았습니다. Reference, 표지 페이지 포함 8장이고 교내 writing center에서 교정 한번 받았습니다. 개론으로 들었던 수업이라 깊이 있는 내용보다는 쉽게 풀어가는데 중점을 뒀습니다.




In Plato’s imitation of theory of art, he stated, art is bad because art is imitation of imitation. According to Aristotle, art is meaningful when it tries to perfectly imitate the form of an object. Athens tragedy can be described by the imitation theory to be a good or bad art. As time passed, individualism was possible after social welfare was improved. Modern artists created new theories such as impressionism and expressionism. The post-modern movement changed conventional ideas in the mid 1960s. Now, we do not judge imitating artwork negatively as Plato and Aristotle did. However, we have adopted various complicated and diverse theories that are used to judge contemporary art. Although numbers of discussions about modern art theories try to define a good art, there are many consenting views on definite conclusions. For this reason, as the aesthetic view of art changed, the value of art changed from time to time and from culture to culture. The reasons that we perversely interpret art can be defined as the art object itself and the purpose of the artist. Therefore, appreciators should remember appropriate aesthetics and ethics and keep an open mind to appreciate true value of art.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[영문 에세이] Overview of Value of Art and its Contemporary Issues
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