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Enhancing Arthropod Pitfall Trapping Efficacy with Quinone Sulfate: A Faunistic Study in Gwangneung Forest

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17페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 5,100원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국하천호수학회 수록지정보 : 생태와 환경 / 56권 / 4호
저자명 : Tae-Sung Kwon, Young Kyu Park, Dae-Seong Lee, Da-Yeong Lee, Dong-Won Shim, Su-Jin Kim, Young-Seuk Park


1. Field experiment
2. Data analysis
1. Influence of QS and leaf litter depth
2. Fauna of ants, beetles, and spiders

영어 초록

Pitfall traps that use ethylene glycol as a preservative solution are commonly used in arthropod research. However, a recent surge in cases involving damage to these traps by roe deer or wild boars owing to the sweet taste of ethylene glycol has prompted the addition of quinone sulfate, a substance with a pungent taste, to deter such wildlife interference. This study aimed to assess the effects of quinone sulfate on arthropods collected from pitfall traps containing ethylene glycol. We strategically positioned 50 traps using ethylene glycol alone and 50 traps containing a small amount of quinone sulfate mixed with ethylene glycol in a grid pattern for systematic sampling at the Gwangneung Forest long-term ecological research (LTER) site. Traps were collected 10 days later. The results revealed a notable effect on ants when quinone sulfate was introduced. Specifically, it decreased the number of ants. In a species-specific analysis of ants, only Nylanderia flavipes showed a significant decline in response to quinone sulfate, whereas other ant species remained unaffected. Additionally, among the arthropod samples obtained in this survey, we identified species or morpho-species of spiders, beetles, and ants and assessed species diversity. Consequently, the utilization of quinone sulfate should be undertaken judiciously, taking into account the specific species composition and environmental characteristics of the monitoring site. Our study also highlighted the significant response of various arthropod groups to variations in leaf litter depth, underscoring the crucial role of the leaf litter layer in providing sustenance and shelter for ground-foraging arthropods. Furthermore, we have compiled comprehensive species lists of both spiders and ants in Gwangneung forest by amalgamating data from this investigation with findings from previous studies.

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Enhancing Arthropod Pitfall Trapping Efficacy with Quinone Sulfate: A Faunistic Study in Gwangneung Forest
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