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A Study on the Correlation between Ocular Dimensions according to Gender and Age

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
20페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 5,500원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 대한시과학회 수록지정보 : 대한시과학회지 / 25권 / 4호
저자명 : Hyejin-Shin, Hyun-Il Kim


Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 대상 및 방법
1. 대상
2. 연구 방법
Ⅲ. 결 과
1. 안축길이
2. 각막곡률평균반경
3. 각막이심률
4. 안축길이와 각막곡률반경의 관계
5. 안축길이와 각막이심률의 관계
Ⅳ. 고 찰
Ⅴ. 결 론

영어 초록

Abstract Purpose : The distribution of axial length and ocular dimensions was investigated, and each correlation according to gender and age was investigated. Methods : Among 847 eyes of 438 patients, 207 eyes in 20s, 210 eyes in 30s, 216 eyes in 40s, and 214 eyes in 50s were measured for axial length with IOL-Master 700. Refractive error was measured with KR-800. Corneal curvature radius and corneal eccentricity were measured with Keratograph 4. Results : Axial length (male: 24.57±1.22mm, female: 24.03±1.12mm) and horizontal corneal eccentricity (male: 0.58±0.11, female: 0.54±0.12) tended to increase in decreased age, male and myopia. Mean corneal curvature radius (male: 7.82±0.25mm, female: 7.71±0.25 mm), and horizontal corneal curvature radius (male: 7.91±0.26 mm, female: 7.79±0.26mm), nasal corneal eccentricity (male: 0.68±0.14, female: 0.66±0.15), and temporal corneal eccentricity (male: 0.45±0.14, female: 0.44±0.13) tended to increase in decreased age and male. Mean corneal eccentricity (male: 0.57±0.12, female: 0.54±0.12), vertical corneal curvature radius (male: 7.71±0.27 mm, female: 7.65±0.24 mm), vertical corneal eccentricity (male: 0.56±0.15, female: 0.54±0.15), and inferior corneal eccentricity (male: 0.52±0.19, female: 0.46±0.22) tended to increase in male. The correlation with axial length and corneal curvature radius showed a high correlation in emmetropia and the horizontal. Horizontal and temporal corneal eccentricity showed a low correlation. Conclusion : Axial length, corneal curvature radius, and corneal eccentricity (excluding vertical) were higher in males. As age increased, axial length, and corneal curvature radius decreased. Among the 4 quadrants of corneal eccentricity, only the temporal s ide showed a significant correlation with axial length. Key words : Age, Axial length, Corneal curvature radius, Corneal eccentricity, Gender Authors ORCID:†

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A Study on the Correlation between Ocular Dimensions according to Gender and Age
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