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임진왜란이후 밀양도호부 읍성의 공간구조 변화

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,300원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국건축역사학회 수록지정보 : 건축역사연구 / 22권 / 2호
저자명 : 권순강, 이호열


1. 서 론
1-1. 연구 배경과 목적
1-2. 연구대상의 선정
2. 밀양도호부 읍성의 연구사와 축조배경
2-1. 축조배경과 연혁
2-2. 밀양도호부 읍성의 입지 분석
2-3. 연구사
3. 밀양도호부 읍성의 도시계획적 분석
3-1. 읍성내 방리제도
3-2. 조선전기 성문(남문, 서문, 동문)의 위치
3-3. 조선후기의 성문변화
3-4. 간선로의 변화
4. 주요 공해시설의 위치변화
4-1. 객사 위치 변화
4-2. 아사(衙舍) 위치 변화
4-3. 향청(鄕廳)의 위치 변화
5. 부속 공해(公廨) 시설의 성장과 위치비정
5-1. 작청(作廳, 秩廳)
5-2. 府司(戶長廳)
5-3. 將官廳 및 軍官廳
5-4. 刑所(刑房所, 秋所)
6. 맺음말

영어 초록

Compared to Early Chosun Dynasty, the spatial structure of most local Eupseongs of Korea had a standardized change with the expansion and spread of the Rye-hak(禮學:a study of confucius Rite). Meanwhile in the process of rebuilding Eupseongs there was a tendency of relocation of the local government offices(官衙) and its attached facilities in terms of functions and use. Although it was PyeongSanseong Miryang Eupseong had an unreasonable spatial structure locating Gaeksa(客舍; accommodation house for visitors) in the middle of the local government office complex, and Dongheon(東軒;main office building) in the east of it before the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592. However with the reorganization of spatial Structure of local Eupseongs after the Japanese invasion Gaeksa was moved to the foot of Adongsan where commanded a fine view of river. Dongheon was moved to the center of Eupseong for the effective management of its auxiliary organizations. It was because road system and administrative efficiency had a serious effect on deciding the location of the local government office and its attached facilities. After the Japanese invasion Hyangchoeng(鄕廳), having been out of Eupseong, also was moved to the independent location within Eupseong separate from Dongheon and Gaeksa. It seemed to take into account the autonomy of Hyangchoeng. Dongheon, Gaeksa, and Hyangchoeng which are the crucial facilities of Milyang Eupseong were arranged at each angular point of big triangle. In order to enhance the administative efficiency, the attached administrative facilities were arranged surrounding Dongheon and Hyangchoeng. The spatial structure of Milyang Eupseong in the late Choseon dynasty was of great difference from that of uniformly organized system of early Choseon Period. It was because the development of administrative function, the pursuit of efficiency, and commercial progress had a great impact on the change of urban space.

참고 자료



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