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Culturnomics- Instrumentalisation of Culture -A Case Study of the Hi-Seoul Festival 2007-

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2008년도에 비엔나에서 열린 국제문화정책연구회 학술대회에 참석하여 발표한 글로써 당시 2007년도에 서울시가 한강을 중심으로 하이서울 페스티벌에 100억원에 달하는 재원을 투여하였는데 이러한 축제의 성장의 배경에는 이러한 문화행사가 정치적 목적으로 사용되고 있기에 가능하다는 것을 구체적인 사례를 들어 설명한 영어로 작성하고 발표된 글입니다. 정치적으로 문화가 어떻게 도구화되고 있는지를 설명한 사례로 하이서울 페스티벌 2007을 들었습니다.


1. Abstract
2. Keywords
3. Introduction
4. Culturenomics: The Key Word of Cultural Policy of the Seoul City Government and Its Instrumental Characteristics
5. The Hi-Seoul Festival2007
6. Politicisation of Culture
7. Conclusion


There are clear trends in many countries to instrumentalise culture as a means to social and economic benefits. Such a utilitarian view on culture spread to local governments. Accordingly, the Seoul City Government has allocated large part of its budget to viable projects like the Hi-Seoul Festivals while other vital parts of culture, such as libraries, concert halls, theatres, and museums, have suppressed. The Hi-Seoul Festival 2007 was developed by the Government as a product for boosting tourism. These big entertainment events have brought some points to consider for policy makers. As the Festival has treated as a test stand for the Mayor’s political pledge, the Government has put culture under strong influence of utilitarian concerns and it endangered the long lasting thought on intrinsic value of culture and also enlarged the belief that culture as a subordinate object or marketing tool for reinvigorating economy.

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