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주스농도와 온도가 효모의 성장에 주는 영향

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27페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results and Statistical Analysis
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion and further consideration
6. References


Fruit is a good source of sugar, vitamins, minerals, aromas and colors (Baidya et al., 2016). In addition to fresh consumption, many fruits, including apples, are processed into juice, wine, and canned products (Rana and Bhushan, 2016). And the fruit juices contain a lot of antioxidants, vitamin C and polyphenols that are essential to the human body. Fruit juice that is not pasteurized by pressing or squeezing the fruit is one of the most common foods. The demands of customers for unpasteurized fruit juices are increasing because these types of foods can provide multiple nutrients, such as vitamins, which have relatively lower calories than other foods (Aneja et al., 2014). However, beverages such as fruit juices and wines are more likely to be contaminated by many organisms, such as bacteria and mold, than other foods that contain enough preservatives.

참고 자료

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