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미디움은 메세지이다 the medium is the message

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1. Introduction.

2. Media good or evil?

3. The Effects of Media.

4. The Fear of Media.
4.1. Image-oriented.
4.2. Distorted Message.
4.3. Isolation

5. The Media and Bible.
5.1. Tabernacle, Temple, Church building.
5.2. Music.
5.3. Books.
5.4. Internet.

6. Conclusion



A medium is powerful. It makes it possible for a message to be proclaimed in a limited place to spread through newspaper, television, radio etc so that it can affect many people at the same time. Media which is a part of contemporary life is an important element in a society. People get plenty of information through the internet and relax by watching movies or listening to music, and have a conversation with each other through multiple functional mobile phones. Therefore, it is possible to say that ‘Media affects people’s world views, thoughts, and sense of values.’
McLuhan states “Medium is message”. When he mentions ‘Media’, it is not only a narrow meaning of media-T.V., radio, music etc. but also all technologies (high-technology and low-technology) which can change a pattern or scale of people’s lives.
The most important things are not the programs or texts carried by the media but the media itself which people watch and listen to, in McLuhan’s view.

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