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辨證玉函「陰症陽症辨」에 對한 硏究

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79페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 14,900원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국전통의학연구소 수록지정보 : 한국전통의학지 / 17권 / 1호
저자명 : 서종철, 김정철, 이귀인, 김흔수, 김영필, 이상진, 이승열, 정헌영

영어 초록

Byun Jeung Ok Ham, written by Jin Sa Tak(1627~1707, won gong, penname ju hwa ja) is composed of four books. this book is estimated of being written after A.D 1688 and composed of internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, ophthalmology, dental surgery and so on, total 36 parts of clinical medicine. This is the first book of that four studying about definition on eum yang of 31 diseases. 31 subjects follow, attack by wind and cold(傷風傷寒), paralysis(中風), vomiting(吐症), diarrhea(瀉症), malaria(瘧疾), dysentery(痢疾), epilepsy(癲狂), cough(咳嗽), constipation and urinal impossibility(大小便閉), heartache(心痛), abdominal pain(腹痛), headache(頭痛), eye disease(目痛), tonsillitis(雙蛾), tumor(癰瘡), exhaustion(脫症), perspiration(汗症), congestion(痰症), swelling(腫脹), heatstroke(暑症), asthma(喘症), evil influence(中邪), hematemesis(吐血), wet dream(夢遺), pyrosis(呑酸), backache(腰痛), intestinal convulsion(霍亂). childbirth(生産), hard labor(小産), after delivery(産後), sterility(子嗣). this treatise is the first book of four which deals with eum yang(陰陽) translating into korean and studying about medical theories. In every parts, author's unique clinical theory appears affluently and in that periods his study developmented a lot in those days' medical methods. second book is weaknessand strongness,third upper and low, fourth truth and untruth. first book, Jin Sa Tak says studying on eum yang is oriental medical basic theory and on incurable diseases or chronic symptoms, doctor must go back to that eumyang demonstration after can cure patients. second parts are on weakness and strongness demonstration, that weakness is weakness of patients' energy and strongness is prosperous condition of diseases' attack. third parts are on upper and low, that upper is upper parts of human body of painful parts and low is human low parts of pain, that is parts of under waist. fourth parts are truth and untruth, true symptoms and untrue symptoms, that is the real reaction of human condition and the other way. every prescriptions are author's creations. this book provides new viewpoints which surpasses original ancient medical theories. author suggests new opinions about chronic and incurable diseases. prescrisptions were made of following correct theory of gun sin jua sa theory (君臣佐使) and promoted levels of clinical methods. this treatise refers to dong ui bo gam(東醫寶鑑), huang je nei gyung(黃帝內經), sang han lon(傷寒論), ui hak yip mun(醫學入門) and modern physiology and pathology.

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辨證玉函「陰症陽症辨」에 對한 硏究
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