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協同學習戰略과 競爭學習戰略의 敎育效果比較

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,100원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육학회 수록지정보 : 교육학연구 / 23권 / 2호
저자명 : 朴成益


Ⅰ. 序論
Ⅱ. 學習戰略의 槪念化
Ⅲ. 硏究結果의 誤謬可能性과 解釋의 再吟味
Ⅳ. 學習戰略에 따른 敎育效果
Ⅴ. 協同學習戰略의 構造化와 敎育的 義意
Ⅵ. 結論

영어 초록

Different classroom learning strategy elicit qualitatively different motivational goals among students. There are two possible learning strategies sull as cooperative versus competitive, which can be implemented in a learning situation. In last decades, considerable research has been conducted comparing the effects of cooperative and competitive learning strategy on student behavior in the classroom.
The primary intent of this study is to compare the effects of cooperative versus competitive learning strategy on students' cognitive-affective outcomes and to address the effectiveness of different learning strategy by studing how cooperative and competitive learning strategy influence student's achievement and affective characteristics. More specific purpose of this study is threefold :
(1) to examine some of the available research revealing the coopreative and competitive native of the student.
(2) to briefly define the three different learning serategies and to review the researches regarding the effectiveness of competitive as well as cooperative learning strategy.
(3) to outline procedures and consequences for structuring cooperative learning situations in order to readuce competitiveness.
Major results which I found through the review can be summarized as follows.
first, cooperative learning procedures in classrooms promote greater achievement and mose positive attitudes toward schooling, teachers, and peers than competitive procedures do.
second, competition may be superior to cooperative strategy when a task is a simple drill activity, whereas when t he instructional tash is some sort of problem solving activity, a cooperative strategy results in higher achievement than does a competition.
third, students' attitudes toward the instructional activities, tasks, subject areas, teacher, peers would be more positive under cooperative than under competitive learning strategy.
fourth, competition seemed to accentuate perception of individual differences whereas cooperative strategy tanels to minimize these differences.
fifth, where males have generally been found to be competitive, females have been generous to others.
According to the results, it can be stated that cooperative learning strategy is considerably more effective than competitive learning strategy and that cooperation is superior to competitive in promoting achievement and productivity. Therefore, I feel that an increased use of cooperative learning groups would be beneficial for most students. Although there are many desirable consequences from employing such a class structure, of primary importance would be a predictable reduction in nonadaptive competitive behavior. If a majority of students could learn more cooperative behaviors, many of the other ills of our educational system may also be lessened or alleviated.

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協同學習戰略과 競爭學習戰略의 敎育效果比較
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