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경희대학교 소비자행동론 22-1 기말고사 문제 및 답안

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


"경희대학교 소비자행동론 문병준 22-1 기말고사"에 대한 내용입니다.


Q1. Discuss the primary (at least 5) drivers of online shopping during COVID-19 and its strategic implications for consumer marketers (Do not just transcribe from article or textbook. Try to provide your thoughts in your own words based on the article).
Q2. Discuss the different behaviors of consumers by occasion and need for grocery shopping and its strategic implications for consumer marketers (Do not just transcribe from article or textbook. Try to provide your thoughts in your own words based on the article).
Q3. How can marketers use means-end chain analysis and the Rokeach Value Survey? (Do not just transcribe from article or textbook. Try to provide your thoughts in your own words based on the article).
Q4. How might consumers respond to normative influence? (Do not just transcribe from article or textbook. Try to provide your thoughts in your own words based on the article).
Q5. Discuss how consumers use their goals and decision timing to decide which criteria are important for a particular choice (Do not just transcribe from article or textbook. Try to provide your thoughts in your own words based on the article).


- As the COVID-19 incident invaded our daily lives, consumers wanted a safer way. As before, online shopping, where you can buy things without facing other customers and clerks, best met their needs. Marketers should note that even if customers consume things unrelated to safety, safety is an important value depending on the situation.
- The convenience of online shopping also served as an important factor for consumers to choose online shopping.

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경희대학교 소비자행동론 22-1 기말고사 문제 및 답안
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